Internet and Security Disclaimer


Your Rights and Responsibilities

Louisa Communications assumes no liability for the security of customer computer systems.  Any computer connected to the internet is at risk to the system being compromised.  DSL subscribers have a higher risk as the digital subscriber line is always connected while the computer is powered up.

Anti-Virus Software

Louisa Communications recommends keeping an updated version of anti-virus software on your computer to prevent intrusion into your system.  Although there are many available, we have listed three to consider.

Personal Firewall Software

Louisa Communications no longer recommends use of personal firewall software for the protection of customer’s computers, since we became aware of problems with the software that can corrupt your internet connection to the point of not being able to use it. Two of the three personal firewall software that we recommended are known to cause this problem and the third is suspected to cause it as well. What we do recommend for our DSL customers who are worried about security are the netgear DSL/Cable routers model 311 and 314. (note: Linksys and D-Link DSL/Cable routers are known to NOT work on our network. No other DSL/Cable routers have been tested.) For our dialup customers, it is usually enough just to keep your antivirus up to date, as you will only be connected to the internet for short periods of time and you will obtain a different IP address on each connection. Another option for Dialup customers is the use of a product like 3Com’s OfficeConnect 56K Lan Modem which provides basic firewall functionality and shares a single dialup connection with multiple computers.

What we use to recommend:

  • ZoneAlarm(–free download or purchase the full version of ZoneAlarm)

Louisa Communications does not support anti-virus or personal firewall software. Please contact your software’s manufacturer for support.

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